Bold Monochrome (Smart Effect)
............................................. 134
Bracketing shooting ............... 78
Bright (Custom Image) ......... 126
Bright areas ................... 28, 123
Bright/Dark Area warning
............................. 148, 185, 187
Brightness adjustment ......... 123
Brilliant Color (Smart Effect)
............................................. 134
Built-in flash ........................... 55
h (Bulb) .......................... 76
Bulb shooting ......................... 76
Calendar display .................. 152
Camera shake ............... 93, 106
Candlelight U ........................ 70
Capture mode ........................ 67
Card access lamp .................. 17
Center-weighted metering ..... 82
Charging the battery .............. 37
City ....................................... 183
Cleaning the sensor ............. 224
Cloudy (White Balance) ....... 120
Color (Digital Filter) ...... 130, 168
Color adjustment .................. 187
Color Space ......................... 119
Computer ............................. 199
Connection cable cover ......... 40
Continuous Autofocus ............ 90
Continuous playback ........... 155
Continuous Shooting ............. 99
Contrast (Custom Image) .... 127
Control panel ................... 24, 31
Correcting distortion ............. 143
Creating new folders ............ 195
Cropping images .................. 167
Cross Processing (Custom
Image) .................................. 126
Cross Processing (Smart Effect)
f (White Balance) ...........120
Custom Image ......................126
[A Custom Setting] menu
.......................................65, 221
Dark areas ......................28, 124
Date Adjustment .............48, 181
Daylight (White Balance) ......120
Default settings .....................216
Delete .............................60, 158
Delete all images ..................160
Delete folder .........................159
Deleting single image .............60
Depth of field ....................71, 92
Destination ...........................181
Detailed information display ...27
Developing Raw images .......174
Digital Filter ..................130, 168
Direct keys ................30, 62, 216
Discharge ...............................55
Display language ..................184
Distortion Correction .............143
DPOF ...................................196
D-Range Setting ...................124
Drive Mode .............................62
DST ................................48, 182
Dust Removal .......................224
Dynamic Range ....................123
E-dial ................................19, 21
E-dial in Program ..................140
Effect ....................................134
Electronic Shutter .................222
Enable AF ...............................88
Enlarge Instant Review
.....................................149, 187
Error messages ....................225
EV Compensation ..................77