
C1492M-I (8/05) 19
48 call shot Sets focus speed 3 Lens focus speed 3
49 call shot Moves unit to home
Home position
50 call shot Turns turbo mode OFF N/A
51 call shot Turns turbo mode ON* N/A
52 call shot N/A N/A
53 call shot N/A N/A
54 call shot Activates auxiliary 4 Sets auxiliary 4
55 call shot Activates auxiliary 5 Sets auxiliary 5
56 call shot Activates auxiliary 6 Sets auxiliary 6
57 call shot Activates auxiliary 7 Sets auxiliary 7
58 call shot Activates auxiliary 8 Sets auxiliary 8
59 call shot N/A N/A
60 call shot N/A N/A
61 call shot N/A N/A
62 call shot N/A N/A
63 call shot N/A N/A
64 call shot Clears auxiliary 4 Clears auxiliary 4
65 call shot Clears auxiliary 5 Clears auxiliary 5
66 call shot Clears auxiliary 6 Clears auxiliary 6
67 call shot Clears auxiliary 7 Clears auxiliary 7
68 call shot Clears auxiliary 8 Clears auxiliary 8
69 call shot N/A N/A
70 call shot N/A N/A
71 call shot N/A N/A
72 call shot, followed by 72
set shot
Resets unit Reconfigures unit
33 set shot Sets stop point of full-
length pattern
Pattern stop point Stop point for pattern 1
34 set shot Sets stop point of 1st half-
length pattern
Stop point for pattern 2
35 set shot Sets stop point of 2nd half-
length pattern
Stop point for pattern 3
36 set shot Manual left stop limit Limit stop
37 set shot Manual right stop limit
38 set shot Scan left stop limit
39 set shot Scan right stop limit
40 set shot N/A N/A
41 set shot Clears messages/titles Clears screen
42 set shot N/A N/A
43 set shot Sets start point of full-
length pattern
Pattern start point Start point for pattern 1
44 set shot Sets start point of 1st half-
length pattern
Start point for pattern 2
AD Keyboard Function Unit Action Pelco Function
Spectra III/ExSite
Special Function