14 Pelco Manual C1941M (7/98)
3.3.1 Preliminary Discussion
The VCR controller (VCRC) enables automatic control (via macro execution) or
manual control (from the CM9760-KBD) of seven predefined VCR functions. Each
VCRC can control up to 64 VCRs.
VCR control is implemented by associating System 9760™
GPIs to VCRs. When a
GPI is used for VCR control, its first seven auxiliary relays are used to control the
seven most common VCR control functions. The seven auxiliary relay numbers and
their associated VCR functions are listed below.
1. Play
2. Stop
3. Rewind
4. Fast Forward
5. Pause
6. Record
7. Eject
Two key setup procedures are required in order to accomplish VCR control from the
System 9760
™. The Frame Address Table in Figure 10 can be used as an aid to
implement both procedures.
(1) The VCR controller must be assigned an address (1 of 11) that corresponds to
a sequential range of 64 GPIs (VCRs).
Use the Frame Address Table to determine the DIP switch settings for assigning an
appropriate VCRC address setting.
(2) GPIs must be programmed in order of the 9760 CPU to communicate with the
Each physical GPI # corresponds to an individual VCR and its terminal connection
point on the VCRC. Therefore, 64 GPIs must be programmed in order to control 64
VCRs from one VCRC controller.
How the physical GPI # is associated with the VCRC is as follows:
• Physical GPI # 1 corresponds to the first VCR control terminal on the VCRC
that is addressed as controller # 1 (Frame Address # 0). Likewise, physical
GPI # 64 corresponds to the 64
control terminal on VCRC # 1.
• The next GPI # (the 65
) corresponds to the 1
control terminal on VCRC # 2
(Frame Address # 2). This scheme continues until the last GPI is associated
with the appropriate control terminal on the last VCRC used, which, in this
case, would be controller # 11 (Frame Address # 20).
3.3.2 DIP Switch Settings
DIP switch settings are illustrated in Figure 10.
It is highly recommended
that VCRC address # 1 (Frame Ad-
dress 0) be used first, VCRC ad-
dress # 2 second, and so on, to
minimize programming confusion.
GPIs are programmed us-
ing the 9760 System Manager pro-
gram. See Section 3.3.3, Software
Setup–Using the MGR Program to
Configure VCRC Operation, for in-
troductory instructions. For detailed
programming instructions, refer to
the Systems Manager manual.
(Figure 18 shows the relationship of these relay
numbers and the associated VCR control function
as seen on the CM9760-KBD LCD screen)