
Creating Custom Wiegand Card Formats
For Intelli-M Supervisor Plus And Intelli-M Web Interface Users
Overview Of Wiegand Formats Used By Intelli-M
The Intelli-M
Supervisor Plus software provides the ability to create custom Wiegand card
formats. Cards can be created with a diverse range of format flexibility that include:
Formats up to 64 bits
Customized facility (site) and card code sizes
Even and Odd parity masking
However, there are significant hardware differences between IDC controllers and eIDC
controllers in regards to acceptable card formats within Intelli-M. Table D-1 provides a summary
of these differences.
Table D-1
Intelli-M currently allows for a total of eight unique bit-length formats to simultaneously function
within the Supervisor Plus software. The eight formats are as follows:
Infinity 37
Wiegand 34-bit
Wiegand 26-bit
ProxPro Keypad 4-bit Key
8-bit Burst Key
27-bit (indala)
29-bit (indala)
35-bit Corp 1k
Important: Infinity 37 is a proprietary format that cannot be shown, edited, or deleted at this time.
The above listed default formats within Supervisor Plus that can be edited (or deleted) are shown
below. Unless specified otherwise, the formats shown below can be used with both IDC and
eIDC controllers.
Maximum Bit Length
Maximum Custom Site Code
Maximum Custom Card Code
40 bits
16 bits (65535)
16 bits (65535)
64 bits
32 bits (4294967295)
32 bits (4294967295)