C2904M-B (2/05) 55
The advantage of conventional dedicated cabling lies in guaranteed performance and availability. The PelcoNet transmission system’s
auto-connect feature is designed to provide the same level of guaranteed connectivity expected from analog coaxial video cables.
IT networks commonly experience short breakdowns and congestion. Protocols used for computer communication (for example, TCP/IP)
are designed to cope with missing data and interruptions. With the PelcoNet NET4001A transmission system, once a video connection is
established, the video stream normally terminates gracefully when a network connector is pulled or the network is otherwise disrupted.
The system can be configured to reconnect automatically to guarantee connectivity. To activate this feature, use the Connect on alarm
pull-down menu to select On (on the Alarm Settings configuration page) and confirm this choice by clicking the Set button. Now the unit
will try to connect to the specified alarm IP address every time. The receiving station (alarm IP address) can be another receiver.
The transmitter can check video input automatically for significant motion in the scene and trigger an alarm if the motion exceeds a preset
threshold. Activate motion detection by clicking the Motion detection button on the Alarm Settings configuration page, and then use the
Motion detector pull-down menu on the Motion Detection screen to select On.
Use the Local sensitivity sliding scale to select sensitivity for motion detection. You need to tailor this parameter to the particular
application. Experiment to find the best setting. For example, higher sensitivity may lead to erroneous detection and increase false alarms.
You can restrict motion detection to certain areas in the scene. Click the Select area button. Select the cells you want the system to
monitor for motion. To set an individual cell, click it with the left mouse button (which will turn red). Click with the right mouse button to
deselect a cell (which will turn white).Select or deselect multiple cells by holding down the left or right mouse button and dragging.
Release when finished, and then click the Set button.
The program automatically saves the snapshot (still picture) and video recording files at C:\ on the hard drive of the PC on which you are
viewing the picture unless you tell it otherwise. If you want to store files in a different location on the PC, you need to first specify that
location. To do so:
1. On the Home page, click either Control (and then click one of the underlined links to a live video control page) or Live Video.
2. Click the Select path icon (open folder) beneath the picture. (Click the icon just once. Double-clicking may cause display problems
with the select path window.)
3. The program opens the “Path for saving MPEG/JPEG files” screen. Do not specify a file name (leave blank), just navigate to the
location where you want the file stored and then click the Save button.
The file of any snapshot or video you record will be saved to that location.
You can record a snapshot from the Live Video page or live video Matrix, Genex, Spectra, and Esprit control pages. The file is recorded on
the PC on which you are viewing the picture. To do so:
1. On the Home page, click either Control (and then click one of the underlined links to a live video control page) or Live Video.
2. Position the camera as desired (if it has PTZ capability).
3. Click the Snapshot icon (camera) to record a still picture. The snapshot is saved on the PC’s hard drive with a .jpg extension.