
18 C1554M-A (4/05)
Access privileges:
To autogenerate a workspace, you must belong to, and log in under, a user group that allows you to open and edit work-
spaces. You must also be logged in to your home server. If the Open Workspace and/or Edit Workspaces option of the File menu is unavailable,
then either you do not have permission to open or edit workspaces, or you are not logged in to your home server. Refer to
User Groups
information on access privileges. Refer to
Configuring Servers
for instructions on setting a home server.
Autogenerating a workspace automatically builds a workspace correctly for one-monitor, two-monitor, and three-monitor systems:
One monitor:
Displays the Device List and Session Manager. Aligns custom windows in the map viewport, obscuring part or all of the
Two monitors:
Displays the Device List, Session Manager, and map viewport on the left monitor. Aligns custom windows on the right
Three monitors: Displays the Device List and map viewport on the left monitor. Displays the Session Manager full-screen on the center
monitor. Aligns custom windows on the right monitor.
When you autogenerate a workspace, you select the number of custom windows you want opened: 1, 4, 9, or 16. The number of custom windows
that actually open depends on how many windows you have access to. For example, suppose you have a total of 5 custom windows:
Autogenerate 1 window: Builds a workspace with one custom window open.
Autogenerate 4 windows: Builds a workspace with four custom windows open.
Autogenerate 9 windows: Builds a workspace with all five custom windows open. Some of the space for custom windows is unused.
Autogenerate 16 windows: Builds a workspace with all five custom windows open. Some of the space for custom windows is unused.
If you autogenerate a workspace when a custom window’s position is set to Fixed Position, VMX300(-E) automatically changes the setting to
NOTE: Autogenerating a workspace modifies the current workspace. To preserve your current workspace, save the autogenerated workspace
under a different file name.
To autogenerate a workspace, click File > Autogenerate Workspace and select the desired number of windows from the submenu. The workspace
is autogenerated.
To edit a workspace, you must belong to, and log in under, a user group that allows you to edit workspaces. You must also be logged in to your
home server. If the Edit Workspaces option of the File menu is unavailable, then either you do not have permission to edit workspaces, or you are
not logged in to your home server. Refer to User Groups for information on access privileges. Refer to Configuring Servers for instructions on set-
ting a home server.
NOTE: Settings in the Edit Workspace dialog box come into effect immediately. This enables you to see the effect of your selections without
having to close the dialog box. However, you must explicitly save the workspace to make your changes permanent. Refer to Saving a Workspace
for instructions.
To edit a workspace:
1. If you want to edit a particular workspace file, open the workspace you want to edit, as described in Opening a Workspace. If you are
creating a new workspace, follow the instructions given here, then save the workspace when you have finished editing it. Refer to Saving a
Workspace for instructions.
TIP: The easiest way to create the appearance you want for the client is to adjust the display on-screen using standard Windows
techniques to resize and reposition windows, then save the workspace. Use the Edit Workspace option to enable the type of adjustment
you want to make, but not to make the actual adjustment. For example, you might make a window sizeable through the Edit Workspace
option, but do the actual resizing on-screen using standard Windows techniques.