Additional information 46
SmartNode 4520 & 4110 Series User Manual 4 • Getting started with the SmartNode
Load a new application image (SmartWare) via the serial link
The Bootloader supports the ‘X-Modem’ and ‘Y-Modem’ protocols to download application images via the
serial link of the console. Do the following to initiate the download:
This type of download takes about 25 minutes since it uses a serial link at
only 9600 bps.
Additional information
For detailed information about configuring and operating guidance, set up procedures, and troubleshooting,
refer to the SmartNode Series SmartWare Software Configuration Guide available online at www.patton.com/
Step Command Purpose
1 RedBoot> load -r -v -m {
xmodem | ymodem } -b
Downloads an application image into the volatile memory
(RAM) from where the SmartNode could directly execute it.
‘xmodem’ or ‘ymodem’: Specify the protocol to be used, X-
Modem or Y-Modem
base_address: memory location where to store the application
image. Use the default address 0x1800100
Execute the above RedBoot command first, then start the trans-
fer from the terminal program with the command ‘Send file via
X-Modem’ (or similar).
5 RedBoot> fis delete -n 1 Deletes the first application image.
Reply with ‘y’ to the confirmation request.
6 RedBoot> fis create Stores the downloaded application image to the permanent
memory (flash:).
Reply with ‘y’ to the confirmation request.
7 RedBoot> fis list -l Checks whether the image has been successfully stored,
whether it is the desired Release and Build, and whether it is
8 RedBoot> go Starts the application image that was downloaded to the vola-
tile memory (RAM).