
Dial In User Statistics window 101
Access Server Administrators’ Reference Guide 7 • Dial In
v90(7)—V.90 modulation
v110(8)—V.110 modulation (not currently implemented)
isdn64(9)—ISDN 64 modulation
isdn56(10)—ISDN 56 modulation (not currently implemented)
12tp(11)—12tp tunnelled multilink call
phase2(20)—Phase 2, an advanced state of modulation in v34 and higher
answerack(21)—acknowledgement phase of modulation
V92(22)—V.92 modulation
moh(23)—Modem is using V.92’s modem-on-hold feature
v23(24)—V.23 modulation
Transmit Connection Speed (diactTxSpeed)
The connected speed of the modem link (for example, 28.8 bps). These values, in bits per second, range from
Receive Connection Speed (diactRxSpeed)
The connected speed of the modem link (for example, 28.8 bps). These values, in bits per second, range from
Error Correction (diactErrorCorrection)
The modem error correction scheme used during this call.
None(1)—No error correction on the call
V42(2)—Error correction mode
V120(4)—Mode for ISDN B
Data Compression Protocol (diactCompression)
The modem data compression technique used during this call.
None(1)—No compression
V42bis(2)—Compression is running
Stac(4)—Compression is running
v44(5)—V44 compression is running
Modulation Symbol Rate (diactSymbolRate)
The modulation symbol rate during the call. This is used only when in V.34 and above modulations.
Locally Initiated Renegotiates (diactLocalRenegotiates)
The number of times the local modem has initiated a modem speed renegotiate.