ACR-MOTIONMAX Installation Guide
Step 14. Edit the T Code Function
ACR-MOTIONMAX Handles Tool Codes by loading the AcroBasic Counter 7 (P6775) with the
Requested Tool number. If The Requested Tool is different From the Current then ACR-MOTIONMAX
will Set the ToolChangeRequest bit (159) to tell the ToolChange function to effect a Tool Change.
ACR-MOTIONMAX is designed to accommodate 3 types of tool Changers:
Type 1) Basic Knee Mill with no Tool Changer
Type 2) Standard Tool arm No Pre-Stage Arm
Type 3) Pre Staging with Virtual Tool Lookup
If using a Type 1 note: You must post a User Message to the system from inside the T Strobe Handler
that prompts the Machine Operator to “Please Change to Tool Number ”. See Error Message System
ACR-MOTIONMAX will see that a Tool change is in progress and will append the new Tool number
to the end of your Message, with a “Press Ok to continue”. This allows you to Change tools even
though you have no tool changer … except for the machine operator.
Type 2 & 3 are handled by ACR-MOTIONMAX, all the machine builder needs to do is write his M06
Code and T Code Handler.
T Strobe Bit 152
Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX to trigger Tcode Handler
T Done Bit 149
Cleared by AcroBasic when ToolChange is Done
ToolChangeRequest Bit 159
Set by ACR-MOTIONMAX to Indicate a Tool
Change is Required
P6775 Loaded by ACR-MOTIONMAX with the Target in
CurrentToolPosition in Magazine P6759 Holds the Current Magazine Position in Pockets
TooChangeDone Bit 154 Set by AcroBasic to signal Tool Change Completion
ToolChangeActive Bit 153 Set by AcroBasic to Signal Tool Change in progress
Note: M06 TXX Code ACR-MOTIONMAX will Set the M6 code first then the Tcode to allow
the M6 to Be processed first. See M06 function for Details and logic.
The Main purpose of the Tcode is to Rotate the Magazine to the New Tool Pocket for Changing to the
Example: This example is using the Type3 ToolChanger (Virtual Pockets with Pre-Stage arm)
REM ********************
REM *** T Strobe Sub ***
REM ********************
9000 IF (NOT INPConsoleEstop OR INPResetButton) THEN GOTO 10000
9001 IF (CTLMagRefDone) THEN GOTO 9020
9010 IF (NOT CTLMagRefDone) THEN SET OUTRotateMagazine: SET 152: CLR 149
9011 IF (INPMagazineHome) THEN P6759= 1: SET CTLMagRefDone
9012 CLR OUTRotateMagazine: DWL 1
9012 GOTO 9390
9020 SET OUTRotateMagazine: SET 156: SET 152: CLR 149
9025 IF (P6759 <> P6775) THEN SET OUTRotateMagazine: GOTO 9390
9027 CLR OUTRotateMagazine
9326 CLR CTLTStrobe
9328 CLR OUTRotateMagazine