– 14 – ACRCOMM and ACREXPAXIS User’s Guide
XP1C Connector
The XP1C connector provides access to encoders ENC18, and ENC19,
which use jumpers J5 and J10 respectively.
XP1C is a 20-pin shrouded male header.
Figure 5 XP1C ENCODER connector diagram
XP1C Pinout
Signal Pin Signal Pin
CHA18 1 MRK18’ 2
CHA18’ 3 +5 VDC
(100 mA, max)
CHB18 5 GND 6
CHB18’ 7 n/c 8
MRK18 9 KEY* 10
CHA19 11 MRK19’ 12
CHA19’ 13 +5 VDC
(100 mA, max)
CHB19 15 GND 16
CHB19’ 17 n/c 18
MRK19 19 n/c 20
* P1C pin 10 is used as a key pin.
Table 9 EXPAXIS Encoder Input Connector XP1C
XP1C is designed to work in conjunction with a 20 pin ribbon cable
terminated to two (2) standard 9-pin female D-sub type connectors. This 12
inch cable, AMCS part number PWH015, is supplied with the Encoder 18/19
Ribbon cable conductors 1 thru 9 connect to D-Subminiature Number 1
(conductor 10 is a No Connect). Ribbon cable conductors 11 thru 19 connect
to D- Subminiature Number 2 (conductor 20 is a No Connect). When used in
this manner, the D-sub pinouts are as follows: