At the DOS prompt, type the
arp –s
command (see example below) and press ENTER.
arp –s 0-90-55-0-0-1
6K’s IP Address
6K’s Ethernet Address
IP Address of Ethernet Card
(press the space bar)
To verify the mapped addresses, type the
arp –a
command and press ENTER.
If you receive the response “
No ARP Entries Found
Switch to the Motion Planner Terminal window, type NTFEN2 (or NTFEN1 if using a
peer-to-peer network) and press ENTER, then type RESET and press ENTER.
Switch the DOS window, type the ping command and press ENTER: to
6K’s IP Address (from
If your PC responds with “
Timed Out
”, check your Ethernet
wiring and IP address setting.
Repeat the arp –s command as instructed above. Use arp –a to verify.
4) Switch to the Motion Planner Terminal window, type NTFEN2 (or NTFEN1 if using a
peer-to-peer network) and press ENTER, then type RESET and press ENTER.
e. (OPTIONAL) Automate the
arp –s
static mapping command. This allows your PC
to automatically perform the static mapping when it is booted; otherwise, you will
have to manually perform static mapping every time you boot your PC.
• Windows 95/98: Add the
arp –s
command to the Autoexec.bat file.
• Windows NT:
Create a batch file that contains the arp –s command. Save the file
(name the file “6KARP.BAT”) to the root directory on the C drive. Using Windows
Explorer, locate the 6KARP.BAT file, create a shortcut, then cut and paste the shortcut
into the StartUp directory. Windows NT has several StartUp directories to accommodate
various user configurations. We recommend using the Administrators or All Users
locations. For example, you can paste the shortcut into the
WinNt\Profiles\AllUsers\StartMenu\Programs\StartUp directory, allowing all users to
statically map the IP and Mac addresses whenever the PC is booted.
Step 3—
Connecting the 6K
to the PC through
1. Connect the 6K Controller to your computer using a cross-over 10Base-T cable (5-foot cable
provided in ship kit).
2. In Motion Planner’s Terminal window, click the{bmc b_comset.bmp} button to view the
Communications Settings dialog. Select the Port tab, select “Network” and type the IP
address ( in the text field. Click OK.
You may now communicate to the controller over the Ethernet interface. Reminder: You
cannot communicate to the 6K with simultaneous transmissions over both the “ETHERNET”
and “RS-232” (PORT1) connections.
Ethernet Connection Status LEDs
(located on the RJ-45 “ETHERNET” connector):
• Green LED turns on to indicate the Ethernet physical connection is OK.
• Yellow LED flashes to indicate the 6K is transmitting over the Ethernet interface.
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