Index-2 January 1997 3160-A2-GB21-50
community name
configuration option, C-29
procedure for configuring, 3-17–3-18
configuration options
procedure for changing, 3-11–3-14
Alarm, C-25–C-27
Channel, C-11–C-14
DTE Interface, C-2–C-3
General, C-15–C-16
Network Interface, C-9–C-10
Port, C-4–C-8
SNMP, C-28–C-36
User Interface, C-17–C-24
worksheets, C-37–C-44, H-13
connectors, rear panel
cabling examples, 2-8
functional description, 1-6
physical description, 1-5, 1-6
pin assignments, D-1–D-16
CPU failure message, 4-2
crossover cable, D-15
CSS (Controlled Slip Seconds) report, 4-7
Ctrl (Control) branch
examples of use, 3-9, 3-34, 3-36, 3-37, 3-39, 3-40,
3-43, 4-6
in the menu tree, A-1
Cust1 (Customer 1) configuration area
functional description, 3-11
in the menu tree, A-1
Cust2 (Customer 2) configuration area
functional description, 3-11
in the menu tree, A-1
cyclic redundancy check (CRC), error indication, 4-7
daisy chaining
configuration options, C-18, C-23
connectivity, 1-6, 2-3, 2-4
data channel loopback (DCLB), 4-20, C-5
data port. See PORT (1–4) interface
data terminal loopback (DTLB), 4-20–4-21, C-5
database, SNMP, 1-2
dc power option, 2-5–2-7, B-1, D-16
default configuration options, C-1
DevFail (Device Failure) message, 4-4
DevHS (Device Health and Status) branch
example of use, 4-3–4-4
in the menu tree, A-1
dimensions, B-2
DL (Download) branch
in the menu tree, A-1
operation, 3-43
DS0 channel allocation. See channel allocation
DTE (Drop/Insert) interface. See DTE Drop/Insert
DTE Configuration branch
in the menu tree, A-1
option table, C-2–C-3
option worksheet, C-37
DTE Drop/Insert interface
channel allocation procedure, 3-21–3-26
configuration options, C-2–C-3
failure message, 4-2
front panel LED indications, 3-6
functional description, 1-2, 1-6, 2-1
managed by SNMP, E-1
physical description, 1-5
pin assignments, D-3
technical specifications, B-1
troubleshooting, 4-11
DTE loopback (DLB), 4-19
configuration option, C-3
external control interface, D-3
EER (Excessive Error Rate) condition
ASCII terminal/printer message, 4-9
Device Health and Status message, 4-3
front panel LED indication, 3-5, 3-6
Performance Report message, 4-8
troubleshooting, 4-12
EIA 530A interface, D-8
Embedded Data Link (EDL)
configuration option, C-6, C-8
used with SNMP system, 1-2, 2-3, 2-4, F-1
enterprise-specific trap, 4-10
environmental specifications, B-2
equalization, line, C-2
equipment list, I-1
error messages. See messages, alarm
ES (Errored Seconds) report, 4-7
external modem interface, D-15
Facility Data Link (FDL)
configuration option, C-9
used with SNMP system, 1-2, 2-3, 2-4, F-2
Facility Interface Code, D
Facility Interface Codes, D
Fact1 (Factory 1) configuration area
functional description, 3-11
in the menu tree, A-1
Fact2 (Factory 2) configuration area
functional description, 3-11
in the menu tree, A-1
failure analysis. See troubleshooting
failure message
during power-up self-test, 2-9, 4-4
troubleshooting, 4-12
feature numbers, I-1