Panasonic WX-CC2010 Center Module is designed for
Panasonic Wireless Communication System, which is used
with drive-through menu boards, etc. The system operates
on UHF frequencies, and offers multi-channel flexibility
making use of the PLL (Phase Locked Loop) technology.
•A remote speaker can be added to the system.
• The WX-CT2020 Order Taker Unit and WX-CH2050A
All-in-One Headset are designed to facilitate the bat-
tery installation.
New Functions of the WX-CC2010
(New Technological Features)
•New DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)
The New DNR function provides sound quality without
noise that accompanies digital processing. (WX-
CC2010 Center Module has the sound quality of cus-
tomer's voice which has been improved than that of
WX-C1011 Center Module.)
• Talkback Echo Elimination
Digital delay processing eliminates talkback echo from
the order taker unit.
• TBC (Talkback Automatic Level Control)
Only human voice is identified in a mixed input of cus-
tomer's voice and noise from the menuboard micro-
phone. Then, the volume of customer's voice is com-
pared with the talk volume of the order taker unit, and
the talkback volume level is automatically controlled.