
Bus Controller (BC)
8.6 Description of Registers
Table 8-6-1 lists the bus controller registers. The settings of these registers are used in timing control, DRAM
interface control, etc.
Table 8-6-1 List of Bus Control Registers
Address Name Symbol Number Initial value Access size
of bits
x'32000020 Memory control register 0B MEMCTR0B 16 x'EB40 8, 16
x'32000022 Memory control register 1B MEMCTR1B 16 x'EB50 8, 16
x'32000024 Memory control register 2B MEMCTR2B 16 x'EB50 8, 16
x'32000026 Memory control register 3B MEMCTR3B 16 x'EB50 8, 16
x'32000030 Memory control register 0A MEMCTR0A 16 x'EFFC 8, 16
x'32000032 Memory control register 1A MEMCTR1A 16 x'EFFC 8, 16
x'32000034 Memory control register 2A MEMCTR2A 16 x'EFFC 8, 16
x'32000036 Memory control register 3A MEMCTR3A 16 x'EFFC 8, 16
x'32000040 DRAM control register DRAMCTR 16 x'0300 8, 16
x'32000042 Refresh count register REFCNT 16 x'FFFF 8, 16
x'32000044 Page row address register PRAR 16 x'XXXX 8, 16
x'32004000 Clock control register CKCTR 16 x'0000 8, 16