- 11 -
Power Dirt Sensor Headlight Cord Length Bare Floor
120V AC(60Hz) Yes Yes 35 Ft Yes
Tableau des caractéristiques
Alimentation Détecteur de Dispositif Longueur du Position
poussière d’éclairage cordon plancher
120 V c.a. (60 Hz) Oui Oui 10,7m (35 pi) Oui
DDiiaaggrraammaa ddee ccaarraacctteerrííssttiiccaass
VVoollttaajjee SSeennssoorr ddee LLuuzz EExxtteennssiióónn UUssoo ssiinn
bbaassuurraa ddee ccoorrddóónn aallffoommbbrraa
120 V c.a. (60 Hz)
Si Si 10.7m (35 pi) Si
- 54 -
Removing Clogs
If the vacuum cleaner does not seem to
have adequate suction, first check if the
dust bin is full or if a filter is clogged.
Check the handle and extension
wand area.
Remove handle by pressing handle
quick release button.
Visually inspect the hose and the
base area into which the hose is
Remove any visible clog.
Plug in the vacuum cleaner and turn
it on.
Stretch the hose to maximum length
and then allow the hose to return to
its storage length.
Turn off and unplug the vacuum
Remove dust bin and check for clogs.
If the dust bin and filter areas and the
hose areas are free of clogs, check
the nozzle area.
Check the clean out port.
Return the vacuum cleaner to the
upright position before plugging into
an electrical outlet.