- 11 -
VVoollttaajjee PPrrootteeccttoorr ddee mmoottoorr
EExxtteennssiióónn ddee ccoorrddóónn
120V c.a. (60Hz)
Si 7,6 m (25 pi) Si
Power Motor Protector Cord Length Tools
120V AC(60Hz)
Yes 7.6 m (25 Ft.) Yes
Alimentation Protecteur du moteur Longueur du cordon Accessoires
120V c.a. (60Hz)
Oui 7,6 m (25 pi) Oui
DDiiaaggrraammaa ddee ccaarraacctteerrííssttiiccaass
Tableau des caractéristiques
- 34 -
Removing Clogs
For best cleaning results, keep the airflow
passage clear.
Unplug vacuum cleaner.
Check each starred area occasionally
for clogs.
Disconnect the hose from the nozzle
hose and check the hose for clogging.
Inspect hose end and clear any
Reinstall hose and lower plate.
While running the
vacuum cleaner
with the hose disconnected, stretch
the hose in and out to remove the clog.
f the clog still exists, turn the vacuum
cleaner OFF and unplug the power
Turn the vacuum cleaner over,
exposing the underside.
Remove the lower plate. Remove the
short nozzle hose from the housing by
lifting it straight up.
Inspect the hose end and clear it of any
obstructions. Reinstall the short
nozzle hose and lower plate.
WARNING Electrical Shock or Personal Injury Hazard
Disconnect the electrical supply before servicing or cleaning the vacuum cleaner.
Failure to do so could result in electrical shock or personal injury from vacuum
cleaner suddenly starting.