n W
hile another unit is on a landline call:
To join the conversation, press M
R A maximum of 3 parties (including 1 outside
party) can join a conversation using 2
extensions. (3-way conference)
R To prevent other users from joining your
conversations with outside callers, turn call
sharing mode off (page 37).
Transferring calls, conference
Outside calls can be transferred or a
conference call with an outside party can be
made between 2 handsets.
1 During an outside call, press MMENUN.
2 MbN: “Intercom” a MSELECTN
3 MbN: Select the desired unit. a MSELECTN
4 Wait for the paged party to answer.
R If the paged party does not answer,
press M
to return to the outside
5 To complete the transfer:
Press MOFFN.
To establish a conference call:
MMENUN a MbN: “Conference” a
R To leave the conference, press MOFFN.
The other 2 parties can continue the
R To put the outside call on hold:
MMENUN a MbN: “Hold” a
To resume the conference: MMENUN
a MbN: “Conference” a MSELECTN
R To cancel the conference: MMENUN a
MbN: “Stop conference” a
You can continue the conversation
with the outside caller.
Transferring a cellular call
between the handset and a
cellular phone
Transferring a cellular call from the
andset to a cellular phone
1 Press MMENUN during a cellular call.
2 MbN: “Transfer to cell” a
R The cellular call is transferred to the
cellular phone.
R Depending on your cellular phone type, you
may need to set the cellular phone to be
ready to talk before transferring. For
example, if your cellular phone has a top
cover, open it beforehand.
Transferring a cellular call from a
ellular phone to the handset
During a conversation using a cellular phone,
the call cannot be transferred to the handset
by the cellular phone. Perform the following
with the handset.
1 During a conversation using a cellular
phone, press MCELLN.
R The call is transferred to the handset
– only 1 cellular phone is paired.
– a specific line is set to make cellular
calls (page 19).
2 MbN: Select the desired cellular phone. a
R The call is transferred to the handset.
Answering a 2nd call
f you receive a call while talking on the phone,
the interrupt tone sounds (page 35) and the
2nd caller’s information is displayed if you
subscribe to Caller ID (page 44).
Answering a 2nd call during a
andline call
1 Press MMENUN during a landline call.
For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/help
Making/Answering Calls
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