My Zodiac won’t turn on.
Using Your Zodiac Console 179
My Zodiac won’t turn on.
My Zodiac won’t turn on.My Zodiac won’t turn on.
My Zodiac won’t turn on.
Zodiac has a data protection mode which activates if the battery level gets
too low. Plug in the power adapter and let your Zodiac sit for about 5 minutes.
With the charger still plugged in, press the Power button to make sure your
Zodiac turns on. Let the Zodiac continue to fully charge for 2 hours.
My console is not responding.
My console is not responding.My console is not responding.
My console is not responding.
You may have to perform a reset if your console no longer responds to the
buttons on the screen.
A soft reset allows your console to get a fresh start, similar to rebooting a PC.
All records and entries are retained after a soft reset.
To perform a soft reset, use the tip of your stylus (or another object without a
sharp tip such as an unfolded paper clip) to lightly press the reset button
inside the hole on the back panel of your console.
I did a soft reset and my console is still not responding.
I did a soft reset and my console is still not responding.I did a soft reset and my console is still not responding.
I did a soft reset and my console is still not responding.
If you already performed a soft reset and you console is still not responding,
or if you received an error while performing a soft reset, you may have to
perform an extensions-off reset.