Zire™ 31 Handheld 370
CHAPTER 23 Common Questions
I forgot the password, and my handheld is locked.
First, use the password hint to try to remember the password. If this doesn’t help or if you do not
have a password hint, you must perform a hard reset
to continue using your handheld.
I can’t beam information to another handheld or other device.
Depending on the receiving handheld model, not all information may be sent correctly.
• If you are beaming to another Palm OS
handheld, confirm that your handheld and the other
handheld are 4 to 39 inches (approximately ten centimeters to one meter) apart and that the path
between the two handhelds is clear of obstacles. Beaming distances to other devices with an IR
port may be different.
• Move your handheld closer to the receiving device.
• Make sure the receiving device has beam receive enabled
• Perform a soft reset
on both your handheld and the receiving device.
When someone beams information to my handheld, it doesn‘t receive
the info.
• If you are receiving info from another Palm OS
handheld, confirm that your handheld and the
other handheld are 4 to 39 inches (approximately ten centimeters to one meter) apart and that
the path between the two handhelds is clear of obstacles. Beaming distances to other devices
with an IR port may be different.
• Move your handheld closer to the sending device.