154 Chapter 10 : Preferences
Update your Palm profile settings
IMPORTANT To ensure that the data on your phone is consistent with that
stored on your Palm profile, it is recommended that you perform a manual backup
of your data after changing any of your Palm profile settings (see Back up your
1 Open Backup .
2 Open the application menu and tap Palm Profile.
3 Enter your Palm profile password and tap Done.
4 Edit any of the following:
First Name/Last Name: Change the first name and/or last name
associated with your Palm profile.
Email: Change the email address associated with your Palm profile. A
verification email is sent to the new address. Click the link in the email
to verify the new address. After you verify, the email address is
Nothing is backed up.
Screen &
Nothing is backed up.
Sounds &
Nothing is backed up.
Tasks Tasks in your Palm profile
Username for accounts like
Microsoft Exchange
ActiveSync that synchronize
tasks online.
Tas ks in onl ine accou nts.
Passwords are not backed
Apps you downloaded are
downloaded again from App
Videos Nothing is backed up. Keep
a copy of these files on your
computer (see Copy files
between your phone and
your computer).
Wallpaper Nothing is backed up.
Web Bookmarks.
Browser cookies.
Wi-Fi Nothing is backed up.
Table 1. Backup summary table
Application Backed up Not backed up