Preparing To Use Your Toaster fortheFirstTime
If you are using your toaster for the first time, please be sure to:
of your toaster with a dampcloth.
before plugging in the toaster’s power cord.
the toaster.
the toaster isnot plugged into a power source.) The first toasting process
will preheat the new elements and burn off any dust which may have
accumulated during storage or manufacturing. It is normal for this burn off
to create an odor.
Using Your Toaster
Inserting the food into the bread slots and toasting:
cakes, thickly sliced breads, Englishmuffins, etc. Slices should not,
however, be so thick as to jam thebread slots.
freshness toensure eventoasting.
bread slot.
bread slot.
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Learning About Your
Bread Slots
Dual, Auto-Adjusting, Bread
Bread Carriage Lever
Toast Lift
Lighter/Darker Knob – Turn the
knob to select how dark you
would like your food toasted;
1 is lightest, 7 is darkest.
Fully Removable
Crumb Tray