Use of Flavor & Woods
• Woodchipsgivesmokedfoodstheirdistinctavorandarea
prime ingredient in water smoking. Smoke avor will vary
slightly with the type of wood used. Common woods used in
smoking are hickory, mesquite, cherry, apple, maple, and
• Neveruseresinouswoodssuchaspineorcedarastheywill
produce an unpleasant avor.
• Woodchips1to2½incheslongand¼to½inchthickwork
best. Do not use wood chunks. Very small wood chips or
shavings will burn too quickly and may not produce the
desired smoke avor.
• Onecupofchipsisgoodfor1hourofsmoking.Usetwocups
for longer smoke times.
• DonotaddwoodchipstotheSmokerRoasterwhileinuse.
• WoodChipsarenotincludedwiththisunit.
Suggested Wood Chips for Smoking
• Alder: Salmon, swordsh, and other sh; poultry and pork.
• Apple: Poultry, pork, and salmon.
• Cherry: Veal, pork, and poultry.
• Hickory: All meats, poultry, and sh.
• Maple: Salmon, chicken, and pork.
• Mesquite: Beef and pork.
• Oak: All meats.
Tips for Smoking Fish
Dressed sh llets and steaks may be smoked. When smoking
dressed sh, place the belly (cut) side down on the rack. Spread
the sh open to allow for maximum smoke penetration. Fish,
especially lean sh, may be brushed with melted butter or oil
before cooking to prevent the sh drying out. Fish is done when
a meat thermometer reads 140 °F or when the esh akes easily.
Food Quantity
Cups of
Approx. Cook
Time in
Brisket 2½-3½lbs. ¾ 4 - 6
Short Ribs 2-2½lbs. ½ 2-2½
Roast (Boneless) 2½-4lbs. ¾ 2 - 3
Roast (Bone in) 3 - 5 lbs. ¾ 2½-4
Chops 41” - thick ½ 1-1½
Country Style Ribs 2 - 5 lbs. ¾ 3 - 5
Spare Ribs 3 - 5 lbs. ¾ 3 - 5
Roast (Boneless) 2-3½lbs. ¾ 1-3½
Turkey (1 Whole) 16 - 18 lbs. 2 7 - 8
Chicken (1 Whole) 3-3½lbs. ½ 2-2½
Turkey Breast (Boneless) 3½-4½lbs. 1 2½-3
Turkey Drumsticks 3-3½lbs. ½ 2-2½
Fillets 1½-2lbs. ¼ 1-1½
Steaks 41” - thick ¼ 1-1¼
Whole Fish 9 - 10” long
½ 1-1½
*All cooking times are based on using one cup of hickory chips.
Cooking times are estimates and will vary with the amount of food,
outside weather conditions and altitude. Always use a meat
thermometer to verify that the meat has reached a safe internal
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