English-6 English-7
Ho w to cl e a n Yo u r sKI ll et
CAUTION: Skillet is hot: handle carefully.
• Whencookingiscomplete,turnTEMPERATURECONTROLDIALto
“OFF” by aligning with the power indicator light. Unplug the cord from
the outlet and allow skillet to cool before cleaning.
• TheSKILLETPANandLIDcanbewashedinthedishwasherorin
warm soapy water with a soft cloth. CAUTION: The HEATING BASE is
not immersible.
• Withadampcloth,cleantheskilletHEATINGBASEand
TEMPERATURE CONTROL PANEL after unit has fully cooled.
Hel Pf ul HI n t s
• Beforeusingtheskilletforthefirsttime,lightlybrushcookingsurfacewith
vegetable oil. Heat, uncovered, to 300°F. Turn “OFF” and cool completely.
Wipe away excess oil.
• Useonlynylonorheat-proofplasticcookingutensils.Metalutensilsmay
scratch the non-stick surface.
• Thisskilletisnotdesignedtodeepfry.Topan-fry,donotusemorethan
1 cup of oil. Select a vegetable oil or peanut oil for frying. Butter and olive
oil should only be used to sauté foods on a lower temperature setting.
te mP er a t ur e Gu I de
The cooking temperatures listed in this user manual are estimates. Adjust the
cooking temperature slightly up or down to achieve the results you prefer.
Food Amount Time/Directions Skillet Temp.
lb patties. 5 to 9 minutes/per side (med.) 350°F - 400°F
Steak 1” thick, boneless 9 to 12 minutes/per side 350°F - 400°F
Chicken boneless breasts 6 to 7 minutes/per side 350°F - 400°F
French Toast 3 to 5 minutes/per side 350°F - 400°F
Pancakes 1 to 3 minutes/per side 350°F - 400°F
Fried 2 to 3 minutes/first side 350°F
1 to 2 minutes/second side
Melt 1 to 2 tsp. butter or
margarine in skillet
Poached 1 to 6 eggs 2 to 3 minutes 250°F or 300°F
Pour 2 cups water and 1 tsp.
cider vinegar in skillet. Heat
to boiling. Break each egg
into a bowl; slip into water.
Cover and cook 2 to 3 minutes.
Scrambled 3 to 4 minutes 300°F
Melt 1 to 2 tbs. butter or
margarine in skillet. Add eggs,
cook, stir gently, until set
and cooked.
Bacon 5 minutes/first side 350°F - 400°F
1 to 3 minutes/second side
Sausage Links 8 to 10 minutes 350°F - 400°F
Sausage Patties 6 minutes/first side 350°F - 400°F
5 to 6 minutes/second side