Firmware Upgrade Procedure Optoma HD80
Step 1
Power off the projector and disconnect all the cables. Do not plug in the power
cord until told to later in one of the steps.
Step 2
To download the firmware upgrade
software, go to the HD80 product page.
On the right-hand side of the page, under
“Product Detail” there is a link called
“Firmware Upgrade Software.” Right click
on the link, and hit “Save Target As...”
You will prompted to save a zip file (Note
where the file is saved). Unzip the zip file
that was saved to your computer.
Step 3
Connect the Optoma HD80 to the PC
with the RS-232 cable. Do not plug in the
power cord for the projector at this time.
Select the correct COM port that the
RS-232 cable is connected to.
Step 4
Open the HD80 firmware folder (if it is
not already open). Double click on the
executable file called “FlashUpgrader4Bin.
exe.” This will run the HD80 firmware
upgrade program.