To turn ON 3D glasses: Press the “Power” button and the LED will ash 1.
one time indicating the glasses are ready to use 3D mode.
Verify that 3D content is being sent to the projector and signal is compat-2.
ible with projector specications.
Turn on the “3D Mode” (DLP-Link/VESA 3D - depending on which type 3.
of glasses you are using) of the 3D projector. The option is located in the
“Display” section of the projector OSD menu.
Turn on 3D glasses and verify image appears in 3D without eyestrain.4.
If the image does not appear in 3D, please check 3D device set up cor-5.
rectly to send out 3D image or not. Or “SBS Mode” should turn on when
input signal is 2D 1080i side-by-side and repeat previous steps 1 ~ 4.
It may be necessary to use projector’s “3D Sync-Invert” option to optimize 6.
your 3D experience. The option is located in the “Display” section of the
projector OSD menu.
To turn OFF 3D glasses: Press the “Power” button and hold until the LED 7.
switches off.
For more detailed information, please refer to the 3D glasses user’s 8.
guide, or manufacturer's Website.
Using the 3D glasses
For more detailed
please refer to
3D glasses user’s