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Innovations in Home Living.
VI. Troubleshooting
This section will detail possible solutions to common problems that might occur in using the On-Q Wireless Access
Point (WAP).
A. Contact Information
If you are unable to locate a solution here, please access our website at www.onqhome.com for the latest
information. You can also reach us at 1-800-321-2343.
1. When Should I modify the MAC address for Internet port settings?
Some ISPs identify the clients that attempt to attach to them by the accessing the client’s MAC
address and ISP assigned host name. The MAC address required for Internet port settings is the
Router’s MAC address which should be the one you already registered with your ISP, and there is no
need for modifying it. However, if the ISP has been utilizing the your PC adapter card’s MAC
address prior to obtaining this Router, you may have to modify the Router’s MAC address for
Internet port settings to reflect the MAC address of the PC adapter card.
2. What is a DMZ?
The DMZ (demilitarized zone), is a barrier between the Internet and a company's Intranet. It is a
subnet that contains a firewall and proxy server, which can be in separate servers or in one server. The
firewall connects to an external firewall on the Internet side, which may be at the ISP's location and is
often called a "boundary router." The double firewall architecture adds an extra measure of security
for the Intranet.
3. What is Dynamic DNS?
The Dynamic Domain Name Service is an IP Registry service that provides a public central database
where information such as email addresses, hostnames, IP addressess, etc. can be stored and retrieved.
The Dynamic DNS service acts like old-style phone operator where other users call the operator, and
ask to speak to you, and the operator, who knows your extension, will make the connection. Every
time your computer comes online, it will inform the Dynamic DNS server what the current IP
address is. Users who need to connect to your server, through the magic of DNS service, will be sent
to the right place. Please visit HTTP://WWW.DYNDNS.ORG for more information.
4. What is Wildcard ?
A wildcard alias is a method which is used to give your hostname multiple identities. If you were to
register yourhost.com, everything (*).yourhost.com would be aliased to yourhost.com. This includes
host names such as www.yourhost.com or ftp.yourhost.com.
Once Wildcard features are enabled, your host can be reached by *.yourhost.dyndns.org. First , you
need to register a dyanmic DNS account with www.dyndns.org
. To use this service, you must register
with the Dynamic DNS client. The Dynamic DNS Client service provider will give you a password
or key. Refer to What’s Dynamic DNS ? question above for more information.
5. What’s MX (Mail Exchanger)?
Internet email systems for both machines and network connections are prone to error. With MX, a
chain of email hubs is built into the email architecture. If the "primary" mail host goes down, instead
of queuing up the mails in an unreliable host on the Internet, they get sent to the "secondary" or
"backup" mail exchanger for delivery, until the primary mail server returns to service. In technical
term, such a service is called Backup Mail Exchanger.