
Section 5-2
Available allocation words
The PT status control area can be allocated to the following PC areas:
Symbol CSeriesPCs Allocated CVM1/CV Series PCs Allocated
DM Data memory
Data memory
CH Internal/Special Relay
Internal/Special Relay
TIM Timer Timer
CNT Counter Counter
HR Holding Relay
AR Auxiliary Relay
Auxiliary Relay
LR Link Relay
Since the special auxiliary relays of the CVM1/CV series PCs are allocated to the
system, they cannot be used for purposes other than the system use.
The range of respective area varies with the type of PC. Refer to Appendix L PC
Memory Map (page 291).
Procedure 1. Use the support tool to allocate the PT status control area (PC to PT) to the PC
2. Register the memory tables for the numerals and character-strings to be dis-
played when creating the screen data by using the support tool.
To display a character-string, use “character display” and specify the charac-
ter-string memory table by using the support tool.
To display numerals, use “numeral display” and specify the numeral memory
table by using the support tool.
3. Set the copy source data to the memory table when creating the screen data
by using the support tool.
Use “table edit”.
4. Create a PC program to write the copy type, copy destination memory table
number, and copy source memory table number to the “copy memory table”
setting word in the PT status control area.