2-1-2 Characteristics
Item SRM1-C01/C02-V2
Control method Stored program method
I/O control method Cyclic scan method
Programming language Ladder diagram
Instruction length 1 step per instruction, 1 to 5 words per instruction
Types of instructions Basic instructions: 14
Special instructions: 81 instructions, 125 variations
Execution time Basic instructions: 0.97 µs (LD instruction)
Special instructions: 9.1 µs (MOV instruction)
Program capacity 4,096 words
Maximum number of I/O points 256 points
Input bits 00000 to 00715 (Words not used as input words can be used as work words.)
Output bits 01000 to 01715 (Bits not used as output bits can be used as work bits.)
Work bits 704 bits: 00800 to 00915 (Words IR 008 and IR 009)
01800 to 01915 (Words IR 018 and IR 019)
20000 to 23915 (Words IR 200 to IR 239)
Special bits (SR area) 248 bits: 24000 to 25507 (Words IR 240 to IR 255)
Temporary bits (TR area) 8 bits (TR0 to TR7)
Holding bits (HR area) 320 bits: HR 0000 to HR 1915 (Words HR 00 to HR 19)
Auxiliary bits (AR area) 256 bits: AR 0000 to AR 1515 (Words AR 00 to AR 15)
Link bits (LR area) 256 bits: LR 0000 to LR 1515 (Words LR 00 to LR 15)
Timers/Counters 128 timers/counters (TIM/CNT 000 to TIM/CNT 127)
100-ms timers: TIM 000 to TIM 127
10-ms timers (high-speed counter): TIM 000 to TIM 003
Decrementing counters and reversible counters
(Note: TIMH(15) will not time reliably if the cycle time is over 10 ms and timer
numbers TIM 004 to TIM 127 are used.)
Data memory Read/Write: 2,022 words (DM 0000 to DM 2021)
Read-only: 512 words (DM 6144 to DM 6655)
Interval timer interrupts One-shot mode/Scheduled interrupt mode, one bit (0.5 to 319,968 ms)
Memory protection HR, AR, and DM area contents; and counter values maintained during power
Memory backup Flash memory:
The program and read-only DM area are backed up without a battery.
Lithium battery backup:
The read/write DM area, HR area, AR area, and counter values are backed up by
the lithium battery whose service life extends over ten years under an ambient
temperature of 25_C.
(Note: The lifetime of the lithium battery capacity depends on the ambient
temperature. Refer to the descriptions on the next page.)
Self-diagnostic functions CPU Unit failure (watchdog timer), memory check, communications errors, setting
Program checks No END instruction, programming errors (continuously checked during operation)
Peripheral port One point; tool connection, Host Link, no protocol
RS-232C Port One point (SRM1-C02-V2 only); Host Link, 1:1 NT Link, 1:N NT Link, 1:1 PC Link,
no protocol