
Specifications and Configurations Section 1-2
1-2-5 Devices for Connection
To set up a Controller Link Network, the following devices are needed in addi-
tion to a Controller Link Unit and a PLC.
Communications Cables
The following shielded twisted-pair cables are recommended for Wired Con-
troller Link Network connections.
Note Use the special connector provided with the Board to connect the Controller
Link Support Board to the network.
Repeater Units (when Required)
The following Repeater Units can be used to facilitate the use of T-Branch wir-
ing, long-distance wiring, and the addition or removal of nodes.
Three types of Repeater Unit are available for use with different transmission
line types (i.e., connection methods).
Model Manufacturer Remarks
Li2Y-FCY2 x 0.56 qmm Kromberg & Schubert,
Komtec Department
German company
1 x 2 x AWG
20PE +
Draka Cables Industrial Spanish company
#9207 Belden USA company
ESVC 0.5 x 2 C-1362 Bando Densen Co. Japanese company
ESNC 0.5 x 2 C-99-087B Nihon Electric Wire &
Cable Co.
Japanese company
Item Specifications
Model CS1W-RPT01 CS1W-RPT02 CS1W-RPT03
External appearance
Supported Units/
All Controller Link Units/Boards for wired networks.
Note To construct a network that can contain up to 62 nodes, it is necessary to use version-1
models, which support 62 nodes.
Transmission line Twisted-pair cable H-PCF cable (optical
two-core cable)
GI cable (optical two-
core cable; 62.5/125 µm,
50/125 µm)