
Overview Section 1-1
Compatible with Different Node Configurations
The following Controller Link Units are available for communications between
different models. It must be noted, however, that the wired system and optical
system cannot exist in one Controller Link Network.
Wired System
Controller Link Unit for CS/CJ-series Programmable Controllers
Controller Link Unit for C200HX/HG/HE Programmable Controllers
Controller Link Unit for CVM1 and CV-series Programmable Control-
Controller Link Unit for CQM1H-series Programmable Controllers
Controller Link Support Board for IBM PC/ATs or compatibles (ISA or
PCI bus)
Flexible Inter-network Connections
The Controller Link Network can connect to other networks (Ethernet, SYS-
MAC NET, SYSMAC LINK, and another Controller Link network) via CVM1,
CV-series, CS-series, or CJ-series PLCs. By installing a Communications Unit
for the Ethernet, SYSMAC NET or SYSMAC LINK on the same CS/CJ-series
or CV-series PLC as a Controller Link Unit, a message service can be created
with nodes in interconnected networks through the CVM1 or CV-series PLC.
Up to eight network levels are possible.
Note CS/CJ-series PLC cannot be connected directly to SYSMAC NET networks
and CJ-series PLC cannot be connected directly to SYSMAC LINK networks
The programming and monitoring of other PLCs on the network can be con-
ducted from Programming Devices connected to the PLC’s CPU Unit. Inter-
network connections are possible in this case also and can cover up to eight
network levels.
Use a CS/CJ-series CPU Unit with unit version 2.0 or later and CX-Program-
mer Ver. 4.0 or higher to enable internetwork connections for up to eight net-
Improved Error Handling
An error log enables quick handling of errors by recording the time the error
occurred and error details. The current Controller Link Unit and Support Board
status are also available, as are the data link and network status.
When an error occurs in the polling node that controls the Controller Link Net-
work, another node automatically becomes the polling node. This prevents an
error at a single node from influencing other nodes on the network, achieving
a highly reliable system.
Using Repeater Units for T-Branches, Network Extensions, Network Expansions,
Converting Network Sections to Optical Fiber, and Device Modularization
T-Branches enable greater wiring freedom during layout, restructuring, and expansion of
Wire-to-Wire Repeater Units enable Controller Link T-Branches. T-Branches
provide the following advantages:
Cabling can conform to the layout of equipment.
It is possible to add nodes by adding or inserting Repeater Units at
branch points of an existing wired Controller Link system.