Using FINS Message Communications Section 6-3
Note 1. A000 to A477 in the Auxiliary Area are write-protected.
2. There can be up to 13 banks of EM Memory. Refer to the operation manual
for the CPU Unit for information on whether it has EM Memory and how
many banks can be used.
3. Do not exceed the boundary of the data areas for the PC you are using.
Programming Examples
Example 1: Sending Data Using SEND
• The data from the 5 words D01000 to D01004 from the PC with De-
viceNet Unit 1 with node address 05 are sent to D03000 to D03004 in
the PC with DeviceNet Unit 2 with node address 06.
• The completion code is stored in D00006 when execution of SEND
has been completed.
Command Details
The following command is used: [SEND S D C]
S = D01000: First source word at local (source) node
D = D03000: First destination word at destination node
C = D00000: First control word; settings are given below (Hex).
D00000 = 0005: Number of words to send
D00001 = 0001: Destination network address
D00002 = 0600: Destination node address (06)
Destination unit address (00 = CPU Unit)
D00003 = 0000: Response, communications port 0, no retries
D00004 = 0064: Response monitoring time
Holding Area H000 to H511
Auxiliary Area
A000 to A959
Timer Area T0000 to T4095
Counter Area C0000 to C4095
DM Area D00000 to D32767
EM Area
E00000 to E32767
Data Area Range
CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit No. 0
Node 05
Network 01
Node 06
Unit address: 00
DeviceNet Unit