The first three operations immediately after power application are performed
only once each time the PC is turned on. The rest of the operations are per-
formed in cyclic fashion.
The cycle time is the time that is required for the CPU Unit to complete one of
these cycles. This cycle includes basically 9 types of operation: Overseeing,
Program execution, Cycle time calculation, I/O refreshing, Host Link Unit servic-
ing, RS-232C port servicing, Peripheral Device servicing, Communications
Board servicing, and SYSMAC NET/SYSMAC LINK servicing.
The cycle time is the total time required for the PC to perform all 9 of these opera-
tions. The time required for operation 3, cycle time calculation, is negligible and
can be ignored in actual calculations.
Operation Time required Function
1. Overseeing 0.7 ms (2.1 ms in the C200HE-CPU11-E) Watchdog timer reset. I/O Bus, Program
Memory checked. Clock refreshed.
2. Program
Total execution time for all instructions varies
with program size, the instructions used, and
execution conditions. Refer to 6-3 Instruction
Execution Times for details.
Program executed.
3. Cycle time
Negligible, but a wait can be generated to
bring the cycle time up to the minimum set-
ting if one has been made.
Cycle time calculated. When the CYCLE
TIME instruction (SCAN(18)) is executed,
waits until the set time has elapsed and
then resets the watchdog timer.
4. I/O refreshing Total of following times:
20 µs per input byte (8 points). 20 µs per
output byte (8 points). (12-point Output Units
calculated as 16 points.)
PC Link Unit I/O refresh time.
Special I/O Unit refresh time.
1.1 ms per Remote I/O Master Unit +
0.17 ms per I/O word used on Slave Racks.
Group-2 (High-density) I/O Unit refresh time.
Refer to the tables below for details on PC
Link, Special I/O Unit, and Group-2 High-
density I/O Unit refresh times.
Input bits set according to status of input
signals. Output signals sent according to
status of output bits in memory.
Inputs and Outputs in Remote I/O Sys-
tems refreshed.
Special I/O Units serviced.
Group-2 High-density I/O Units serviced.
5. Host Link Unit servicing 6 ms per Unit max. Commands from computers connected
through Rack-mounting Host Link Units
6. RS-232C port servicing 0 ms when no device is connected.
0.26 ms minimum or T × 0.05, where T is the
cycle time calculated in operation 3
Communications with devices connected
to RS-232C port processed.
7. Peripheral device
0 ms when no device is connected.
0.26 ms minimum or T × 0.05, where T is the
cycle time calculated in operation 3
Commands from Programming Devices
(computers, Programming Consoles, etc.)
8. Communications Board
0.5 ms + processing time per port.
The processing time per port is as follows:
0.26 ms minimum or T × 0.05, where T is the
cycle time calculated in operation 3
Commands from the Communications
Board (RS-232C, RS-422, or RS-485) are
SYSMAC LINK servicing
PC card servicing
0 ms when no Communications Unit is
For C200HS-SLKjj or C200HS-SNTjj:
0.8 ms + 15 ms max. per Unit.
For C200HW-SLKjj:
3.5 ms max. per Unit.
For C200HW-PCU01/PCS01:
6 ms max.
Commands from computers and other de-
vices connected to SYSMAC NET Link/
SYSMAC LINK/PC Card Units processed.
Cycle Time Section 6-1