7.0 PCI-DAS1200 Register Description
PCI-DAS1200 operation registers are mapped into I/O address space. Unlike ISA bus designs, this board has
base addresses, each corresponding to a reserved block of addresses in I/O space. As we mention in our
programming chapter, we highly recommend customers use the Universal Library package. Direct register level
programming should be attempted only by extremely experienced register level programmers.
Of six Base Address Regions (BADR) available in the PCI 2.1 specification, five are implemented in this design and
are summarized as follows:
16-Bit WORDDAC Data Registers (not applicable for (JR)BADR4
8-Bit BYTEPacer, Counter/Timer and DIO RegistersBADR3
16-Bit WORDADC Data, FIFO Clear RegistersBADR2
16-Bit WORDGeneral Control/Status RegistersBADR1
32-Bit DWORDPCI Controller Operation RegistersBADR0
OperationsFunctionI/O Region
BADRn will likely be different on different machines. Assigned by the PCI BIOS, these Base Address values cannot
be guaranteed to be the same even on subsequent power-on cycles of the same machine. All software must interro-
gate BADR0 at run-time with a READ_CONFIGURATION_WORD instruction to determine the BADRn values.
Please see the
AMCC S5933 PCI Controller Data Book”
for more information.
7.2 BADR0
BADR0 is reserved for the AMCC S5933 PCI Controller operations. There is no reason to access this region of I/O
space for most PCI-DAS1200 users. The installation procedures and Universal Library access all required informa-
tion in this area. Unless you are writing direct register level software for the PCI-DAS1200, you will not need to be
concerned with BADR0 address.
7.3 BADR1
The I/O region defined by BADR1 contains 5 control and status registers for ADC, DAC, interrupt and Autocal
operations. This region supports 16-bit WORD operations.
BADR1+ 0: Interrupt Control, ADC status. A read/write register.