
The converter is comprised of a 4th-order, delta-sigma (Δ∑) analog-to-digital
(A/D) converter modulator followed by a programmable digital filter. A flexible
input multiplexer handles differential or single-ended signals; the programmable
filter allows the user to optimize between a resolution of up to 23 bits noise-free.
Examples of scan sequences, with various channel resolutions and calibration
arrangements, appear in Table 5-1 on page 5-2.
4.7 Input Ranges
You can individually select the input range for each channel. For example, one
channel could be used for volts and another for temperature. Omega’s OM-
DAQ-USB-2401 automatically assigns the appropriate units depending on two
• The selected range and
• Measurement unit preferences
Measurement unit preferences can be modified from the Omega DAQ Central
‘Channels’ tag of the ‘Configuration’ window. Chapter 4 provides more detailed
The maximum voltage input range (full scale) is –10 to +10
Vdc. The lowest programmable voltage input range is -30mV
to +30 mV. A complete list of the OM-DAQ-USB-2401’s
programmable ranges appears on page 8-1.
Each analog input channel has the following user-specified measurement
• Signal type: volts, or thermocouple type J, K, T, E, R, S, B, or N
• Full scale voltage: from -10 to + 10 Vdc; with programmable ranges as
indicated on page 8-1.
• Resolution/sample period: from 22.5 bit RMS at 0.153 samples/sec, to 17 bit
RMS at 50 samples/sec or greater
These rates were obtained with a 16-channel scan.
4.8 Analog Input Configuration
The OM-DAQ-USB-2401 includes 16 analog signal inputs which may be used as
16 single-ended inputs, 8 differential inputs, or as a combination of single-ended
and differential inputs with up to 16 connections.
Single-ended inputs are used with signals that share the same common low
(COM), such as multiple batteries which have their negative sides connected in
common. Differential inputs are required when signals do not share the same
common low, such as in the typical use of thermocouples.