Data table pop-Up Menu
If you click on the right mouse button anywhere over the table
control you activate a menu which contains Goto, Find, and Sort
menu items.
Goto You can specify a target cell to go to, using its row and column
There are 4 columns for model OM8828 : No.-Date-Time-Temp.
There are 5 columns for model OM8829 : No.-Date-Time-Temp.
And Humidity(%)
A total of 200 rows from cursor 1 to cursor 2 . Key in which
row and which column you want to go , then press "OK" ,
the cursor will go to the destination .
Find You can search all numeric and text cells in the entire table, or
in a selection range, for a text string. After the initial search,
you can press <F3> to find the next occurrence of the same
text string, or you can press <Shift-F3> to search backwards
for the next occurrence of the text string.
Sort If a range of cells is selected, you can sort the cells in the range
using the data in one of the rows or columns as the sort key.