CN8240 & CN8260 Series Communications & Options
Request Data Fields: A 10-character ASCII representation of a numeric value
specifying what to calibrate.
0 - Thermocouple
1 - RTD, Resistive Thermal Device
2 - Linear
3 - RAS, Remote Analog Setpoint
Response Data Field: Ignored.
Command: Perform Process High Calibration
Parameter #: 03
Description: Performs a High Calibration. The data field in the request
message specifies the process. Make sure the prerequisite
for the calibration is satisfied before issuing a calibration
command. For instance, the RTD calibration command must
only be used when the input sensor type is chosen as RTD
or RTD w/ Decimal.
Request Data Field: A 10-character ASCII representation of a numeric value
specifying what to calibrate.
0 - Thermocouple
1 - RTD, Resistive Thermal Device
2 - Linear
3 - RAS, Remote Analog Setpoint
Command: Retrieve Display
Parameter #: 05
Description: Retrieves the string currently displayed on the slave’s display.
The data field in the request message specifies which display
and the data field in the response message contains the string.
Request Data Field: A 10 character ASCII representation of a numeric value
specifying which display to retrieve data from.
0 - Lower Display
1 - Upper Display
Response Data Field: The ASCII string.
Command: Clear Latched Alarms
Parameter #: 10
Description: Clear all latched alarms.
Request Data Field: Ignored.
Response Data Field: Ignored.
Communications Option
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