Using Olympus Sonority
Using Olympus Sonority
Uninstalling software
To uninstall any of the software component of the “Olympus Sonority” software installed on
your PC, follow the steps below.
1 Exit “Olympus Sonority”.
2 Select [Control Panel] from
[Start] menu.
3 Click [Add/Remove programs] in
the control panel window.
4 When the installed application
list is displayed, select [Olympus
5 Click [Change/Remove].
6 Confirmation of deleting the file.
• Click the [OK] button to start
uninstalling. An additional message
may appear, if so, read it carefully and
follow the instructions given.
7 When the [Maintenance
Complete] display is displayed,
click [Finish] to complete
1 Exit “Olympus Sonority”.
2 Open [Finder] and double-click
the [SonorityUninstaller.pkg] in
the application folder.
3 The Uninstaller will start up.
Follow the wizard instructions.
4 When the administrator
password is asked, enter the
password then click [OK].
5 Uninstall will start and when
[Successful] is displayed, click
Files left after uninstallation
The voice files you made are stored in the [MESSAGE] folder. If you don’t need them, delete
You can confirm the location of the [MESSAGE] folder by clicking [Options] in the [Tools]
menu before uninstalling.