Informations légales et de sécurité
5 This License shall continue until the last use of the Software and
Typefaces, unless sooner terminated. This License may be
terminated by Monotype Imaging if you fail to comply with the terms
of this License and such failure is not remedied within thirty (30) days
after notice from Monotype Imaging. When this License expires or is
terminated, you shall either return to Monotype Imaging or destroy all
copies of the Software and Typefaces and documentation as
6 You agree that you will not modify, alter, disassemble, decrypt,
reverse engineer or decompile the Software.
7 Monotype Imaging warrants that for ninety (90) days after delivery,
the Software will perform in accordance with Monotype Imaging-
published specifications, and the diskette will be free from defects in
material and workmanship. Monotype Imaging does not warrant that
the Software is free from all bugs, errors and omissions.
The parties agree that all other warranties, expressed or implied,
including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and
merchantability, are excluded.
8 Your exclusive remedy and the sole liability of Monotype Imaging in
connection with the Software and Typefaces is repair or replacement
of defective parts, upon their return to Monotype Imaging.
In no event will Monotype Imaging be liable for lost profits, lost data,
or any other incidental or consequential damages, or any damages
caused by abuse or misapplication of the Software and Typefaces.
9 Massachusetts U.S.A. law governs this Agreement.
10 You shall not sublicense, sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the
Software and/or Typefaces without the prior written consent of
Monotype Imaging.
11 Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer
Software clause at FAR 252-227-7013, subdivision (b)(3)(ii) or
subparagraph (c)(1)(ii), as appropriate. Further use, duplication or
disclosure is subject to restrictions applicable to restricted rights
software as set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c)(2).
12 You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it,
and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. Neither party
shall be bound by any statement or representation not contained in
this Agreement. No change in this Agreement is effective unless
written and signed by properly authorized representatives of each
party. By opening this diskette package, you agree to accept the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.