ii OKIPAGE 8w Lite
Every effort has been made to ensure that the informa-
tion in this document is complete, accurate, and up to
date. Oki assumes no responsibility for the results of
errors beyond its control. Oki also cannot guarantee that
changes in software and equipment made by other man-
ufacturers and referred to in this guide will not affect
the applicability of the information in it. Mention of
software products manufactured by other companies
does not necessarily constitute endorsement by Oki.
© 2000 by Oki. All rights reserved.
Oki and OKIPAGE are registered trademarks of Oki
Electric Industry Company Ltd.
Energy Star is a trademark of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency.
Apple, Macintosh, Mac, MacOS and True Type are
registered trademarks of Apple Computer Corporation.
Microsoft, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trade-
marks of Microsoft Corporation.
EEC compatibility
This product complies with the re-
quirements of the Council Directives
89/336/EEC (amended by 92/31/
EEC) and 73/23/EEC (amended by
93/68/EEC) on the approximation of
the laws of the member states relating
to electromagnetic compatibility and
low voltage.
Energy Star
As an Energy Star Partner, Oki
has determined that this product
meets the Energy Star guidelines
for energy efficiency.
Universal Serial Bus
This printer is fitted with an indus-
try standard Universal Serial Bus
(USB) data interface.