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Service Guide ML520/521
Chapter 4 Failure & Repair Analysis
4.2 REPORTING PROBLEMS - General Information
4.2.01 General Information
Okidata strives to provide accurate and detailed service information through its training materials. The
Technical Training Group realizes that service technicians have valuable experience, knowledge, and
opinions. Okidata strongly encourages you to report any problems you may encounter when using the
materials of this training kit. Please be as specific and detailed as possible. Your comments, suggestions,
and criticisms are used to update and revise training kits.
You should reference the training materials when servicing Okidata products. Most problems can be
solved by using the information provided in the training materials. If you encounter a situation that cannot
be solved, please let Okidata know.
Refer to the Service Center Reference Guide for information on contacting Okidata.
Copyright 1997, Okidata, Division of OKI America, Inc. All rights reserved. See the OKIDATA Business
Partner Exchange (BPX) for any updates to this material. (http://bpx.okidata.com)