Printer settings in Mac> 55
Color matching
Black Finish
Use this option to control the way black is printed in colour
documents. Select Composite Black (CMYK) to uses all 4
toner colours to represent black. This option is
recommended for color photos. Select True Black (K) to
uses 100% black toner to represent black. This option is
recommended for text and business graphics.
Brightness / Saturation
This option allows you to increase brightness for a lighter
print. Modify saturation to change the strength (or purity)
of a colour.
If the printed colours are too strong, reduce saturation and
increase brightness. As a general rule, reduce saturation
by the same amount as you increase brightness. For
example, if you reduce saturation by 10, increase
brightness by 10 to compensate.
Monitor (6500K) Perceptual Optimised for printing photos.
Colors are printed with
emphasis on saturation.
Monitor (6500K) Vivid Optimised for printing photos,
but with even more saturated
Monitor (9300K) Optimised for printing graphics
from applications such as
Microsoft Office. Colors are
printed with emphasis on
Digital Camera Results will vary depending on
the subject and conditions the
image was taken.
sRGB The printer reproduces the
sRGB color space. This might be
useful if color matching from an
sRGB input device such as a
scanner or digital camera.