OkiLAN 7120e Network User’s Guide
euc must be used for the printing a text file of the EUC Kanji code
> jis and euc function only as PostScript printers.
> You can not send data to the root directory.
1. Login to the network interface card.
When printing with ftp, use any values for name and password. However,
if the user name is [root], the password set under TELNET or the utility is
required. See the appropriate section for details.
Example: Logging in with host name ML8810 (or IP address
# ftp ML8810 (or ftp
Connected to ML8810
220 EthernetBoard OkiLAN 7120e Ver 01.00 FTP Server
Name (ML8810:<none>) : root
331 Password required.
230 User Logged in
The network card logical directory structure is hierarchical. Move to the logical
directory; it is not possible to output print data to the root directory.
2. Move to the preferable logical directory using the cd
Example: moving to the lp directory and confirming the current directory.
ftp> cd /lp
250 Command OK.
ftp> pwd
257 ”/lp” is current directory
3. Configure the transfer mode
There are two types of transfer mode: BINARY mode, in which the file
content is output as it is and ASCII mode, which converts the LF code to
the CR+LF code. If a binary file converted by the printer driver is
transferred, the transfer mode has to be BINARY mode.
Logical directory Printer function
lp For direct output
sjis For Shift JIS Kanji converted output
euc For EUC Kanji converted output