VII - 15
Section 7 - Appendix B - Selecting Your Printer
OKI OkiLAN 6100e+ User’s Guide
your printer is located. (You may also need to scroll
through the zones to locate the one you want.) If you
do not know the zone in which your printer is
located, contact your network administrator.
2. Click on the printer name you want to use.
Note: If your printer is the only name listed in the
box, it still must be selected. Your printer will
remain selected until you choose a different
printer with your Chooser.
3. Click on the Close box to exit the Chooser.
4. Print a directory from your Macintosh by selecting
Print Directory, Print Window or Print Desktop
from the File pull-down menu. If your printer prints
a directory, you have connected your printer to your
network correctly.