Decompression Dive:
Main - Default (Depth, Stop Depth and Time, Total Ascent Time, Bar Graphs)
Alternate #1 (Depth, Max Depth, Elapsed Dive Time, Total Ascent Time, Bar Graphs)
Alternate #2 (Depth, Temperature, Time of Day, Total Ascent Time, Bar Graphs)
Alternate #3 - if nitrox dive (Depth, Current PO2, Total Ascent Time, Bar Graphs)
Violation (Conditional, Delayed, and Immediate/Gauge)
High PO2 (1.20 to 1.60 ATA)
High Oxygen Accumulation (per dive or 24 hr)
Numeric Displays: Range: Resolution:
Dive Number 0 - 12 1
Depth 0 - 330 FT (0 - 99.9 M) 1 FT (0.1 M)
Maximum Depth 0 - 330 FT (0 - 99.9 M) 1 FT (0.1 M)
FO2 Set Point Air, 21 - 50 % 1 %
PO2 Value 0.00 - 5.50 ATA .01 ATA
Dive Time Remaining 0:00 - 9:59 hr:min 1 minute
Total Ascent Time 0:00 - 9:59 hr:min 1 minute
Decompression Stop Time 0:00 - 9:59 hr:min 1 minute
Elapsed Dive Time 0:00 - 9:59 hr:min 1 minute
Surface Time 0:00 - 9:59 hr:min 1 minute
( > 9:59 hr:min SI will be displayed as Hours only 10-, 11-, 12-, etc.)
Dive Log Surface Interval 0:00 - 25:59 hr:min 1 minute
Time to Fly 23:50 - 0:00 hr:min* 1 minute
(* starting 10 min after the dive)
Time to Desaturate 23:50 (maximum) - 0:00 hr:min* 1 minute
(* starting 10 min. after the dive)
Temperature 0 to 99°F (-9 to 60°C) 1°