
Selection of Main (Default) Time is a Set T menu item.
Time of day and date can be set when either Home or Away time is selected as the
Main Time is the current time at your home location and is normally selected as the Watch
Default Time.
Away Time, set by Hour Differential, is the current Time at a remote travel location. Upon
arrival at the location, Away Time can be interchanged with Main Time to make it the
Default Time while visiting the travel location.
Dual Time is the second, or differential time, that can be displayed simultaneously with
Main Time with set On. It is a +/- Hour Differential based on the Time that is set while at
home or the opposite if set while away.
Once Dual Time (a differential) is set, it will automatically change when Time of Day is
changed. When Away Time is selected to be the Watch Default Time (while at a travel
location), it will be changed directly when Time of Day is changed and Home Time will
then change by a differential opposite the one set for Dual Time.