Upon descent to 5 FT (1.5 M) for 5 seconds,
operation will enter Gauge Dive Mode.
GAUG DIVE MAIN, information includes (Fig. 103A, B) -
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon
> Max Depth with MAX and FT (or M) icons; or graphic TMR
> EDT (Elapsed Dive Time) with DIVE and min icons; or Run
Time (min:sec to 9:59, then min only up to 999) with icons
> VARI while ascending
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALTs.
• A (2 sec) - to add/remove Run Timer*
• S (< 2 sec) - to start/stop Run Timer* or acknowledge
• L (press) - to activate Backlight.
* Once the Run Timer is added to the Main and started, it can be re-
moved from the Main and will continue running in the background
until it is again added to the Main. It can only be started and
stopped while it is displayed on the Main.
Upon ascending to 2 FT (0.6 M) during a dive, Surface Interval
time will be displayed with the SURF icon flashing for the first 10
minutes (Fig. 104).
After 10 minutes elapse, operation will revert to Surface Mode
and full access given to the GAUG Surface Menu items.