iTunes (Fig. 19)
With iTunes open, select the “Edit” tab, then click on Preferences. In the new window
that appears, select the “Advanced” tab and from that screen, the “Importing” tab
(note that iTunes uses the term “Import” where Windows Media Player refers to this
function as “Rip”). Within the “On CD Insert” drop-down menu, select “Import CD and
Eject”. Below this is another drop-down menu, “Import Using”. Within that menu,
select “MP3 Encoder”. In the “Setting” drop-down menu, select “Custom”. This will
bring up a daughter window with a menu labeled, “Stereo Bit Rate”. Within that menu,
select 320 Kbps and click on OK. At the bottom of the Importing tab there are four
check boxes. Deselect “Play songs while importing or converting”. Select OK.
Figure 19– iTunes AutoPlay