Fig. 49
Fig. 50
Year, Month, Day,
Hour, Minute
24 Hour Time Display:
Power Off Mode:
Mute/Off/ w/ Menu
Off/All-Off Menu:
The Essentia has an internal clock that
allows each Control Pad to display the current time.
Within this menu you can easily set
and .
This is a simple on/off. When
this menu item is turned on, the clock display on the
Control Pads switches to 24 hour display.
This refers to three choices for the way
in which each zone turns on and off. They involve a
single tap of the power button and a hold function, Fig.
49 .
is the first choice. This selection
means that a tap of the power button mutes the zone,
but does not turn it off. The hold function brings up a
second menu that requests All Off, yes or no. No turns
off just that zone, yes turns off all zones.
In this mode, a tap of the power
button turns the zone off and a second menu appears
that gives to choice to turn off that zones group (if it is
assigned to a source group) or to turn all zones off.
The is a tap of the power button to turn the
zone off and a hold of the power button to turn all zones
Advanced: Within the System settings menu are advanced
functions intended for installers. The item is preceded by an
asterisk and grayed which requires that the OK button is
held for six seconds before the advanced functions are
accessible, Fig. 50.
External Mute/Page:
Paging Mode
Low (Closed)
Serial Delay:
Reset System:
The EXT. MUTE input on the back
panel of the Essentia has a dual function. In its default
setting, it is designed for the Mute Interface, NV-MI1
(see NV-MI1 Mute Interface Adaptor page, 31). It can
also be configured for use with a paging phone system
to enable whole-house paging. This requires a phone
system that provides an audio output for paging that is
plugged into source input 6 on the Essentia (note that
this feature eliminates the use of Source 6 as an audio
source for the system). To use the Page function, you
must select . There are two types of voltage
triggers associated with the Page function. If the phone
system you are using sends a voltage to trigger paging,
selecting Paging Mode sets the mute input to react and
mute all zones. If it triggers by creating a closure
(dropping down to 0 voltage), you need to select
This function is only used in conjunction
with third party home automation systems. This function
sets a delay in milliseconds between each of the
function commands being streamed through the
Essentia RS232 port. This allows a slower home
automation processor to buffer multiple commands
from the Essentia System.
This Allows unused source inputs to be turned
off so they do not show up when you scroll through the
sources at the Control Pads.
This is a shortcut for resetting the zone
addresses assigned to each Control Pad. Within the
menu selection, restores all Control Pads plugged
into the system to the factory default.
Zone Power-Off M...
Tap/Hold Action
Mute/Off w/Menu
Off/All-Off Menu
Ext. Mute/Page
Serial Delay