IV. Main Menu Screen
To get to the Menu (Fig. 6) press the home button on the
control pad, or press album art when viewing the Now Playing
Screen. The main menu will have up to five selections to
choose from.
?Music- Pressing this icon will show you all of the available
music options to choose from in relation to your chosen
?Favorites- You have the option to save playlists and radio
presets as ‘Favorites”. This is a global preset that will appear on
the screen regardless of source selected.
?Sources- This is where you can view all of the sources
available and make a selection from the list.
?Zones- See other zones when you press this button. Turn
other zones on or off from the Color Touch Pad, and change the
music source played in other zones.
?Now Playing- This icon will take you to the Now Playing
screen, where you can view information on the artist you are
listening to, or channel information from the tuner.
An options button in the bottom right corner of the screen
makes available screen adjustments like brightness and
contrast, as well as advanced system settings.