Capturing IR codes using the IR Learning Station Interface
The Grand Concerto Configurator software is designed to store IR codes for audio equipment in an IR Library. When the codes are
learned for a given piece of equipment, they are held in the library under that equipment's manufacturer name and model
number. Once learned, any of the equipment in the library can be imported into a new Configuration.
To learn new equipment codes, the Learning Station Interface box must be connected to your computer at the RS232 port. Connect
the male end of the RS232 cable to the back of the Interface box into the “CONNECT TO PC” input. At this point, it is not necessary
to have the Interface box connected to the Grand Concerto amplifier.
When setting up a new source, each type of equipment has a pre-selected set of functions. By double-clicking on a function or
clicking on the “Record” button in the software, you will open the record window. You will see the “READY” LED light on the
interface box. Aim the source's remote control at the “IR SENSOR” on the Interface, and press the desired function button on the
remote. The IR learning window in the Configurator software will indicate that the code has been successfully learned. Note that
the remote control should be held 8 to 10 inches from the Interface when learning.